Thursday, May 28, 2020

5 Secrets to Achieving Success in Life (For Student)

5 Secrets to Achieving Success in Life (For Student)
            Achieving Success in Life
1. Knowledge is what one wants to acquire.      Knowledge does not come from earning        money if you are a child of the poor and        you have the desire to acquire       knowledge.  No power in the world can stop you from acquiring knowledge.   
         2.    People say we have the resources.  If you don't want to lie, these resources are enough. If you don't want to do it yourself, you can't succeed. If you don't have the will and the courage, you can't succeed in Harvard.                                                                                         
 3.  The first secret to success is your own.  Involving others in conveniences One who lives for oneself can never prosper One who lives for others succeeds I have seen people succeed in life who have more self-confidence Self-confidence makes you successful in life. 
 4.  Convince yourself that my hard work will not be wasted
If you want to progress in life, strengthen your relationship with your guard.
If you trust your Lord more, your Lord will show you the better way.Trusting servants always brings shame. He who trusts in Allah succeeds.
5. Remember, the search today is that every servant has talent and he develops more because of his talent. Find out in yourself what ability the Lord has created you with. If you have to develop, do it in this field.  If you are interested in a field in which you are interested, if you are talented, it will become a place for you. If you are not talented, you will be left behind and will not be able to achieve your success.

             The END END END END 

5 Secrets to Achieving Success in Life (For Student)

5 Secrets to Achieving Success in Life (For Student)                               Achieving Success in Life 1. Knowledge is what one wants ...